Starwood XXI
 July 17 - 22, 2001 ~ Sherman, NY

Live Action Role Playing

  Storytelling | Rules | Characters | Joining

It is the function of fiction, of course: it is a series of lies that, put together, bring us face to face with truth. S. P. Somtow, from The Book of the Damned

Welcome to the experience of Interactive roleplaying; We are confident you will find it appealing. Unless you have played Mind's Eye Theatre or Interactive games before, you will find the experience quite different from any other. This game has more in common with writing a novel than with desktop strategy games like Axis and Allies. Storytelling is more important than win or lose. You have an opportunity to tell a story, and act it out as well, something like an actor in an improvisational theatre. Certain bits of plot and pacing will be provided by the Storyteller, and the Narrators as well, but it is important for you to fully realize your role as Co-conspirator. Open your mind. You are responsible for where this story might go, and responsible to take it there for the entertainment of your fellow players. Collectively we will spin a most intriguing yarn throughout the day and evening, and not even your humble Storyteller knows where that tale will take us.


Mighty wizards and Fae nobility gather at Starwood.
The Queen Mother is to present her newborn daughter in a grand ceremony this afternoon. A masked ball is to follow tonight.

But what of the rumors of the child's dubious parentage? A nursemaid present at the birth was overcome with extreme forgetting, and can now recount no details of the baby's aura or appearance. What will be the reaction of the mighty Sidhe if the Queen's Heir is proved to be a mudblood? Every faction has its own agenda, whether it be for weal or woe for the child, for the King & Queen, for the court, and for all of faeriekind!


The Starwood LARP is similar in style and form to Changeling: the Dreaming™ &Vampire: the Masquerade™; both popular interactive fantasy storytelling games. Players will assume the personae of a fey creature of legend, perhaps a pooka, a satyr or redcap, or some other denizen of faerie, existing in a realm that parallels our own.
The veil between the worlds has been rent asunder. More important than "how it happened?" is the question: "What will we do now"? You find yourself with memories of another existence, a fantastic realm of mighty human wizards, trolls, and you and your fellow faerie. Glad to be back in the world of fae, you set about your task...
A subtle subtext is written underneath our daily reality, hero/ines on a quest, fully aware of the fragile veil that separates fantasy from reality.
Dressing the part is essential to game enhancement, players are encouraged to fully develop their characters, in an environment where they should just pass un-noticed...


The first rule is to have fun!
The second rule is that ultimately, the story is more important than the rules.
The third rule refers back to the first two!

We expect to have most pre-event material posted by July 3rd.

Our rules are guidelines only. If there is something you wish to do, ask. Anything that furthers the drama, advances the story, or is plain imaginative is more than likely going to be allowed, although probably not exactly as you've planned...


Game play will begin at lunch (around 12:30) on Thursday, with a mandatory players workshop at 11:00am that morning. The Story will continue throughout the afternoon, evening and night with time for revelation and fellowship after.


Twenty Dollars.

(Props and plot propulsion ain't cheap y'know!)
Attendance limited to the first 50 comers, please use the appropriate box(es) on the registration form (or check out joining).


If, within these pages, there is any use of trademarked or copyrighted information, their use is not to be taken as an infringement of that copyright or trademark, but as an advertisement for that product or company mentioned. This brief is produced solely for participants in the Starwood 2001 LARP. Paul Burdick is your humble Storyteller. ACE is in no way responsible for game play (or for players getting their way) so don't go to them. We'll just redirect you back to your humble storyteller anyway. His word is the final authority.


Once your registration (with game fee) is processed, you are responsible for contacting us with questions about your character choices (Join our e-mail list, find under Joining). These choices will be mitigated by: Your level of involvement in the game, scope of the Story, time remaining 'til Starwood, Communication factors and prior roleplaying experience. (In other words, we may make it easier for you and us by assigning you a character with varying opportunites for customization).

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