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Starwood Festival XXIII 22-27 July 2003 - Sherman, NY

Starwood Community

We're pleased with our Starwood Village and Community that have grown throughout these 22 years, and we hope you are too! We engage all guests on some level or another - from the little ones and the not-so-little ones to teens and the young at heart to adults and those in their twilight years. Magicians, Druids, Hippies, Freemasons, Witches, Yeti, Ravers, Technopagans, and the Free at Heart all find something to do and love at Starwood.

Folks are friendly here, so keep an open mind and an open heart. We invite you to attend various Rituals, stroll the Starwood Village and chat, eat or shop, or refresh yourself with the sight of the young people at play.

See more about: Rituals | Child Care/Kid Village | Map of the Starwood Village

Our Utopian Brigadoon...

In order for our little Utopian Brigadoon to work, we need to be mindful of a few things:

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Get updated information and participate in a large (500+) and lively e-mail list. Organize chats with other guests.
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starwood web art & design © jr prospal


last updated 6/23/03